Monday, February 2, 2009

Quicklink: Ain't No Bugs On Me

Here's a easy and fun little tune. Made famous (as famous as any oldtime song may be in these days) by Garcia and Grisman's "Not for Kids Only".

I'll learn it to sing with the kid, if nothing else. I might make the jammers endure it, too.

TOTALLY IRRELEVANT UPDATE: Here is a great russian folktale that is very appropriate for the transition from the depths of winter into spring. For a good fifteen minutes of family time, tell the Snow Maiden story and THEN play Ain't No Bugs on Me for a mood-lifter.

UPDATEx2 NOW WITH EVEN MORE IRRELEVANT: I'm going to use this blag as my own bookmarking thing, because I can. Check out 'song of the day'. Teh funay.

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